
Present for Mother
about Her Candidate Daughter in Law
By: elza faiz

beloved mam,
finally I found my couple
modestly in talking and mannerism
and also very love me

became extinct my quiet period
should be desist the worry tremble of your good hearth
because the ship sailing have anchored
and wild slipper that is usual go through precipitous and devious road street
now change with the tame and friendly house slipper
beloved mam,
masculine pigeon that you take care of
nowadays fly and find his couple
he will not return forever

and that is a must mam,
like your mother released of you to married with my father
and like your grandmother released your mother to married with my grandfather

beloved mam,
On Saturday night I will invite him to you
Please give him your greet warmly smile
then address him with the title " my child"

beloved mam,
in the future she will born your grandchilds
they are healthy and humorous surely
lain down them later beside you,
then narrate to them story about their ancestors who are strong and gallant
in order to they become strong and gallant to

beloved mam,
that’s all my present that I dedicate to you
my respectfull and devotion, your child. elza,

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